Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic and the measurements taken, there is a rapid and unexpected change of our normal routines. Being locked down at home all day while coping with added stress has caused several bad habits to resurface.
Some of the downstream effects of these behaviors could harm mental and physical health, and as well as the immune function. This project is based on the interests and needs of youth, covering topics like planning a healthy day, moving physically, trying relaxation techniques, connecting with others, taking time to reflect and practicing self-compassion, and improving a sleeping culture.
Therefore, the “Positive Pulse” project aims to learn from each participant how to improve physical and mental health. It helps promote pro-health techniques in different communities, in order to reduce bad habits and the negative physical and mental conditions caused by COVID-19.

How was the project?
The Project was implemented from 05-13 October 2022 in Glyfada, Athens and at Oasis Hotel Apartments and it was co-funded by the European Union and the Program of Erasmus+. The Partners of the Project were E.O. Sharp Minds as the coordinator organisation, Asociatia Obsteca Artena from Moldova, MAEK A.P.S. from Italy and our organisation from Turkey. There were a total of 33 participants involved in the Project.
The Project's goals for the youngsters were the improvement of their physical and mental health, the reduction of bad habits like smoking, alcohol and dest-bound life and lastly, the recovery of the physical and psychological state of youngsters like the one that took shape during the pandemic due to Covid-19.
The organisers' Advance Preparation Visit preceded along with the representatives of each country. Each country had sent their Group Leader and one of the selected participants participating in the program. During the A.P.V, the active and decisive contribution from all of the participants was discussed and co-decided since the participants were going to be the ones that, in a way, were going to form the final activities of the program of the Youth Exchange, in collaboration with the Organizers, as always. The Groups' Representatives were given instructions about the type and number of activities they were obligated to plan and prepare since the youngsters themselves were the ones who quite literally would shape and implement that exchange. With the motto "the program is for you, from you", the organisers coordinated and completed control of the program's activities until the end, leading the young participants intelligently and maintaining the Project's original targeting whole. With this innovative way, Educational Organization Sharp Minds succeeded in making the feeling of taking the initiative diffused while simultaneously taking care of the Project to be implemented without any deviations that would influence negatively or alter the character and the wanted goals of the Project.
The Project Experience

The quality and quantity of the activities that were implemented during the Youth Exchange were the ones that created the atmosphere of continuous satisfaction that participants felt. Throughout the daily reflection groups, according to the course of the program and the Final Evaluation of the Youth Exchange, the participants only gave positive feedback.
The activities - based completed on Non-Formal Education Methods - included empathy workshops, presentations and conversations, exercises of physical and mental empowerment, brainstorming, meditation and yoga technics, traditional dances, workshops that had direct contact with nature, music therapy, and expression through dancing and visual
arts (dance therapy & art therapy), workshops of personal expression, exercises to develop a sense of self-confidence. Finally, the programme included related activities of cultural interest since the participant visited the Museum of Acropolis, the Parthenon and "The Ellinikon Experience Park".
The Project included the official European recognition through the issue of a Youthpass Certificate for each Participant. Firstly, the Organisers invited the participants to complete their certificate via the YouthPass platform with whatever they thought was necessary to be written on it and to emphasise the acquired skills that either emerged or were reinforced during the program of activities. After the process and control of the certificates, the Organisers continued publishing YouthPass.
Who are E.O. Sharp Minds?
Educational Organization SHARP MINDS, is active in the field of European Programs since the beginning of the Millennium, as an Informal Youth Group. After many years and many projects, this original fellowship, has decided to be transformed in an NGO/NPO, focused on modern issues and problems of our common European Society. Inclusion and Participation for all is our strong "moto" which follows us in our projects. Many youngsters around Greece, had the opportunity, by trusting the experience of E.O. SHARP MINDS, to travel around Europe, to meet new friends and the most important to experience the magic of the Erasmus+ educational programs.
At the same time, the Organization also works as a Greek Hosting Organization in Erasmus+/VET projects and has established many cooperation around Europe through its KA2 Programs of Strategic Partnership.
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